Thursday, September 4, 2008

Is many always the best? (CCK08)

Is many always the best? I use ning sites, blogs, facebook groups, myspace, learnhub, wiziq, Moodles, wikis, twitter and some other cyber spaces I have already forgot. I keep creating spaces because I seem to correlate many spaces with many learning experiences. Is this true? Is many always the best?


George Siemens said...

Hi Nellie - I don't think anything is "always the best". Different circumstances require different approaches. We recognize that with this course...which is why we've set up a variety of forums...but have set up a central hub. It's neat playing with new tools, but sooner or later, unless our task is simply to stay current with the tools, we need to select a series that will assist us in achieving our goals.

Dr. Nellie Deutsch said...

Hi George,
Thank you for adding your comments and sharing your thoughts on the subject. I often wonder whether I am stating what I mean clearly. Feedback is one way of finding out. I totally agree that the best is forever changing. What may be best for me today for a specific item, may not be so tomorrow. In addition, I find that I need to set goals in order to be able to select s series of tools that will help me achieve my goals. However, technological tools are constantly being developed and improved. Do I ignore them and continue focusing on my goals, or do I perhaps combine staying current and achieving my goals simultaneously. It may be hard, but I think I may be better at multitasking than I realize. With a few breaks for mindfulness meditation practice, I think I will benefit from the process.
