Sunday, September 7, 2008

Learning to Focus and Having Fun

Can't learning be "fun" and still focus on learning objectives? Losing sight of the goals of learning and being critical is wonderful if you know what and how to focus on your learning objectives. I would like to share some of my recent experiences and ideas on focusing and having fun.

I have been practicing mindfulness meditation which focuses on the breathing in order to become more conscious of the present moment. Life has been making it more and more difficult for me to focus as my mind constantly races from one idea to the next. How can I expect my students to focus on learning objectives or anything for that matter when I am not focused myself. My students minds are racing all over the place. I decided to teach myself to stop before attempting to teach others. I concluded that I needed to stop in order to understand what it means to focus my mind on the present whatever it happened to be and having some control of my mind. So, since I spend most of my time multi-tasking, I decided to learn about stopping and focusing on the present while running. People can now see me laughing my head off as I run with my i-Pod and listen to Gil Fronsdal and Tolle Eckhart. They are so funny!!!

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